SERIES: Beyond Easter
Beyond Easter Part 3
Pastor Dave Katsma
|Sunday May 14th 2017
What was Jesus' desire for his disciples following his resurrection and before his return to heaven? In the final chapter of Matthew, Jesus speaks his heart's desire for his disciples. In a return visit to Matthew 28, we look today at Jesus' mandate to not only be a disciple but to make disciples. His great calling for his disciples in to have a life of direction, purpose and meaning in the carrying out of the great commission.
Other Episodes from the series
(About this series)
My Prayer:
It is my prayer that you will find MarshView to be a place where you can be encouraged in the faith, be challenged to grow deeper in your relationship with God, no matter your starting place; and that you find hope for your life in the words and message of Jesus Christ. Christianity is more than just a religious tradition and faith is more than wishful thinking.Christianity is a meaningful, life changing relationship with God through Christ where people find hope, healing and wholeness in life. Faith is living confidently because of Christ no matter what our trial – past or present. MarshView Ministries is more than just a church, it is a place of connecting with God and others in a meaningful way where you can experience His love.
I invite you to listen to the messages (links will be up soon) and to read my blog on the blog page. For now you can watch a short video that I was asked to do by one of our sister churches in Brookfield, WI.
Thanks for visiting this page and may you be encouraged and strengthened in you faith walk.