Growth Groups

Support Groups
Many people struggle with life issues, addictions and life's hurts. Support groups that use the 12 steps of recovery and a Christian perspective and focus can bring healing and hope for individuals and families who need support.
New Directions
This support group meets Tuesday's at 7pm. This is open to all who struggle with life issues of addiction, codependency or other issues that negatively impact your life.
This support group meets Tuesday's at 7pm. This is open to all who struggle with life issues of addiction, codependency or other issues that negatively impact your life.
New Directions Support Group meet in the main level of the church. Please enter through the front doors where the sign is located.
Prayer Group: Prayer is a way that we support one another as we have concerns and praise for what is happening in our life and in the life of the church, community, country and world. Prayer group is open to anyone to attend or bring prayer requests to and to make sure they are being prayed for. Prayer goup is every Tuesday from 6 to 6:45 pm. Prayer requests can be sent to Pastor Dave through email as well.

Youth Ministry
Our desire is to impact the lives of youth through a small group experience where learning and relationships add to their spiritual growth.
Children's Church is available during the service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the months with bible lessons and craft time. Kids are dismissed during the message part of the service to go downstairs. On the Third Sunday of the month children a guided through a craft time. This is for younger children roughly kindergarten thru 4th grade.
Youth J.A.M. is for high school age students.

Spiritual Growth Opportunities
No man, or woman, is an island. We grow better together. Take advantage of connecting with others who desire to grow in their relationship with God and with each other.Men in the Morning Bible Study/Breakfast.
Men get together to share a breakfast and to discuss their lives and how God's word instructs them to live. Meets every other Saturday at 8 am. Check the church calendar page for the week they meet.
Women's Bible study fellowship
Enjoy fellowship with other women and learn from God's word in community together. Meets every other Thursday morning at church at 9 am. Check the calendar of events for when they meet. Crochet Church is a gathering for those who enjoy chrocheting or would like to learn it. The time is for fellowship and spiritual enrichment through a devotion and prayer time. It is open to anyone who would like to connect to others and God is an easy going environment. They meet the first Wednesday evening of the month at 6:30 pm at a home. Email Pastor Dave for more information and location.