Weekly Bulletins
Next Sunday we have the opportunity to celebrate communion together. This week take time to examine your walk and relationship with Jesus and if there are areas of your life out of line with God’s will for you, now is the time to make those corrections.
Next Sunday is the potluck lunch following the service. Please consider staying and bringing a dish to share.
Mari Lynne Katsma had her surgery this week and will take a couple of weeks off of worship leading. Roy Smalley will fill in. Thanks for Roy’s willingness to help out.
We have started a children’s ministry time during the sermon portion of the service for Pre-school to 3rd grade. This is held on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. If you would be interested in helping with that ministry talk with Doreen Eicher. We could use someone to assist or to fill in or to take a Sunday. If you work well with teaching kids and feel called to help out in this way, or take the 3rd Sunday of the month, talk with Doreen or Pastor Dave.
Our December Blood Drive will be Wednesday, December 11 from 12-5 at our church. We would love to have help with this outreach to the community. There is a signup sheet in the back of the sanctuary.
No women’s recovery group this week Thursday because of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Eve service will be held this Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm on November 26th. It is a time of reflecting and sharing of the good things god has done in our lives. Pastor Dave would like to focus on the theme of our testimony toward faith. If you would be willing to share your journey to faith in Christ, please give thought to that before and let Pastor Dave know that you would like to participate.
At the Thanksgiving Eve Service we host a pie and ice cream following the service. If you can bring in your favorite pie for that evening, it would be appreciated. Any leftovers from the pie social can be recycled for your family Thanksgiving celebration.
As Advent approaches we typically have members of the congregation participate by lighting an Advent Candle and read a reflection, bible verse and prayer. If you would like to participate in one of the weeks leading us toward Christmas, there is a sign-up sheet on the information table.
Changing over the church to Christmas is always the Friday following Thanksgiving. Many hands make light works. If you can come for part of for the whole day, please plan for it. It takes many hours to redecorate the church and all the merrier the season if we can accomplish that with many people. Pizza will be served at noon for all those who help.
Ladies 3rd Annual Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 7 from 10 -1. There is a signup sheet in the back of the church. Please feel free to invite friends or family for a fun time of fellowship and food. More information will be available in the upcoming weeks.
This week at MarshView:
Tuesday: Prayer Group meets at 6 pm at church, New Directions support group meets at church at 7 pm.
Wednesday: Thanksgiving Eve Service 6:30 pm, pie social follows.
Thursday: No Ladies Recovery Meeting at 7 pm.